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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Authors of content submitted to the Lincoln Planning Review should provide the following:

  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Author bio and affiliation
  • Reference List (preferably hyperlinked)

Authors of research articles are required to set the licence category to specify how their work is reproduced.  Follow this link for guidance – Creative Commons explained


1. ALL illustrations, photographs require written permission allowing LPR to use them (by email is fine). Please attach these as separate files.


2. Images, diagrams, tables, etc must include captions




Peer Review Process

Articles for the Research section of the journal undergo double-blind peer-review.  Reviewers will be invited to referee manuscripts, providing feedback for authors and recommendations that assist the editors in making a decision on publication. 

Work published in the Field Notes and Case Studies sections are authoritatively reviewed but not through a double-blind peer review process.  The author and the reviewer may be known to each other.

Any content that is not peer-reviewed will be subject to Lincoln Planning Review ‘Editorial Team’ review processes.



Double-blind peer-review


Field notes and case studies

Authoritatively peer-reviewed; e.g. student work that has been marked or conducted under supervision.


Practice notes

Editorial Team processes apply to the publishing of this material.  Sourced externally, e.g. legal opinions, case law discussion, practitioners experiences.



Editorial Team processes apply to the publishing of this material.  Sourced externally, this material will generally seek targeted responses to a specific question, topic or issue. E.g. opinion editorials, thought leadership, general feedback or responses to previous content.



Editorial Team processes apply to the publishing of this material.  E.g. conference, seminar, workshop and symposia reports.




Editorial Team processes apply to the publishing of this material.  E.g. news, awards, ‘where are they now’, upcoming events, list of research publications (from Lincoln University), local correspondence, LUPA/clubs update



Page Layout Margins: Office 2003 Default


All text: Justified; 1.15 line spacing (can be made smaller to fit avoid awkward formatting, but no smaller than 1.1); always 0pt space after paragraph.


Title (calibri, 14 font, bold)


Author (calibri, 12 font, bold)

Author information (Calibri, 9 font, italics)


Abstract title (Calibri, 11 font, bold)

Abstract text (Calibri, 10 font, italics)


Keyword title (Calibri, 10 font, bold): keywords (Calibri, 10 font, italics, always lower case except for nouns/names/places/etc; separated using semi-colon)


Subtitles (Calibri, 11 font, bold)

Secondary subtitles (Calibri, 11 font, bold, italics)

Body text (Calibri, 11 font)


Footnotes[1] (Calibri, 9 font, text is NOT justified)


Footer (Calibri, 11 font, 1.15 line spacing, 1.25cm from bottom and top)


Single column

Single line to separate sub headings from text.

Please use italics for the names of documents referred to (i.e. Christchurch City Plan)


Contents Page

A contents page for all articles that will include details on the issue and the editorial board.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.